• April 27, 2024

“Auto ! Important ; }”

I have been reluctant to post in my blog because … well… I want to post mostly photographs but when I format them for posting, they get stretched when viewing on phones, which is where most people will be viewing these days.  I’ve set aside posting for a few weeks and then when I finally think to get back to it I of course forget that the problem is the photographs stretching out on the iphone and I happily put some pictures up and then when I go to show someone on my phone, mwah-mwah!

I’ve tried several times in the past to search for “what is the correct formatting for images when word press posting” on google and I really haven’t found an answer until today when I searched, “why do my blog photos stretch on my iphone?”

And I found the answer. And I’m posting it here so I can refer back to it later when I go to post something new (very soon).

In the Text tab, search for the image sizes by searching either height or width – might look like this:

change the image height= from “1200” to “auto !important; }”

Now I just need to figure out how to better format the text blocks.