• May 1, 2024

Glamour in 28 Days

The past couple weeks, other than fighting a sinus infection, I’ve also have been engaged in learning 80’s glamour photography. Well, relearning since I lived through the 80’s and spent lots of time with my nose in the magazines. I’m following a course called, 28 Days with Sue Bryce. Her course on the surface doesn’t seem to be all that rigorous and I suppose that is why when I watched it and got so excited to do it, well, she makes it look pretty easy. But it’s like relearning how to swing a golf club after you’ve been swinging it one way for years and someone shows you how to get better results and you watch and you think, “oh, yes, sure, I can do it that way, no problem.”

Then you try it and you miss, and you miss, and you miss. And your back hurts and your eyes hurt and you wonder why you needed to change anything. AND THEN.

Are YOU ready for your closeup?  Hope to see you in the studio soon. Ciao for now!

Darienne was kind enough to allowed me to photograph her lovely curves.
Darienne was kind enough to allowed me to photograph her lovely curves.
Brenda was incredible in front of the lens.
Brenda was incredible in front of the lens.
Glamour times two. A Glamour Girlfriends Session is twice the fun!
Glamour times two. A Glamour Girlfriends Session is twice the fun!